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The Beginning of Wisdom: Fear God

“The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: His praise endureth forever” (Psalm 111:10).

Beginning of Wisdom and Knowledge: Fear God

Today we live in an ever-changing world of information and technology where knowledge seems to be plentiful and wisdom is very scarce. Wisdom is more than just knowing a lot of information about a lot of things or topics. Wisdom is a basic attitude that has an effect on every aspect of our lives.

The true and overall foundation of knowledge is to fear the Lord. What does it mean to fear the Lord?

To fear God means to honor Him, respect Him, obey His Word and to constantly live in awe of his Grace, Mercy and Power.

Praise the Lord Everyone!

The pathway to wisdom requires a wholehearted persistent will to seek the Lord and obey His Word. When we make up in our minds to no longer follow after man and his wisdom, and we begin to seek God’s wisdom— we discover that true wisdom is Gods and that He will guide us and reward our sincere search.

Fear God for who He is. For who in the heaven can be compared to the Lord, for He is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him (Psalm 89:6-7).

Fear God for what He has done: God is not just the coordinator of the world and its natural forces, He is the Lord of creation, the almighty God. He is all powerful and we should reverence Him in all we do (Psalm 33:6-9).

Fear God for what He is doing: Come unto the presence of the Lord and see what God is doing. He has shown me the way of Life, and has filled me with the joy of His presence (Acts 2:28).

For His:

PROVISIONS: He knows our needs (Psalm 34:9-10) and our deepest needs are spiritual (Matt 6:33).

PROTECTION: We can place our hope in God for His watchful care and protection (Psalms 33:18-19)

PURITY: His Grace and Mercy cleanses us (Psalm 103:12-13) and perfects us in holiness (2 Corinthians 7:1).

PROSPERITY: The fear of the Lord provides prosperity in the Family (Psalm 128:1-4).

PERPETUITY: Breaking generational curses, the fear of the Lord will create generations of God fearing families (Deuteronomy 5:29 & Psalm 103:17).

PROLONGED DAYS: The fear of the Lord prolongs the days of the righteous (Proverbs 10:27).

As a true believer in Christ Jesus (born of the Water and the Spirit—John 3:3 & 3:5), there was a time in my life that I always wondered why I continued to stumble and fall and constantly required milk and not meat (1 Corinthians 3:2). The reason for my spiritual immaturity and lack of growth was because I continued to be controlled by my own will and desires and I had not learned to Fear God. How much influence do your desires have on your life?

How do we learn to Fear God? (Psalm 34:11, 86:11)

The conclusion of the whole matter, Fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in truth (Ecclesiastes 12:13 & Joshua 24:14) putting away the old man (old things and ways are passed away) and becoming a new creature in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Wisdoms beginning point is God and His revealed Word— which is the source of knowledge and understanding. It is a God given gift granted to those who fear God and earnestly seek Him with their whole heart, obeying His word and persevering through difficulty, opposition and discouragement.

Wisdom, knowledge, understanding and victory are given to those who truly follow Christ and are thankful for and responsible with God’s gifts and resources.

“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38)

For we walk by Faith, and not by Sight (2 Corinthians 5:7)

God Bless you

Minister Ted & Minister Jacqueline Fox

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