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Peace and Eternal Life

Want to know more about God and how to receive peace and eternal life?

In the Book of John chapter 5, Jesus instructs us to search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life, but the scriptures point to Him (John 5:39). Many people think that through reading the bible they are given eternal life. They read the scriptures and some listen to a preacher (the spoken word of the scriptures), but they fail to apply the scriptures to their lives. They may know the teachings of the scriptures but fail to realize that the scriptures point to Jesus. Rooted in their own thoughts and ideas of what salvation and holiness is, they refuse to let Jesus change their lives. Don’t get so caught up in going through the motions of religious duties that you miss out on what the scriptures are testifying about….that is Jesus and his plan for you to have eternal life (John 5:40).

Many people hope that they will receive eternal life. John lets us know that we can be certain we have eternal life because of God’s promise of eternal life through Christ Jesus (1 John 5:13). Eternal life is promised if we believe God’s truth and commit our life to Him as our Lord and Savior. We know that the Son of God has come, and He has given us understanding so that we may know Him that is true (The true God). And now we live in fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ. He is the only true God, and He is eternal life (1 John 5:20).

“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30).

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a yoke is a heavy bar or frame that is attached to the heads or necks of two work animals such as oxen, so that they can pull a plow or a heavy load. For us, the yoke represents the difficulties and challenges we face when walking with God. You may be carrying heavy burdens of sin, oppression and persecution and weariness in your search for God. Did you know that Jesus frees us from all these burdens? He promises rest through love, healing and peace. A true relationship with God turns burdens of immobilizing worries and responsibilities into spiritual productivity and purpose. Walking with Jesus does not propose a life of luxury and ease…..because we must still take the yoke (Matthew 11:29) for it is a tool for working hard. But because of God’s love, healing and peace, that yoke is a shared tool that is easy to bear as it helps us plow and tread through life as we walk with God because the weight falls on much bigger shoulders.

If you have any questions or just want to know more about Jesus and this beautiful way of life, please call or email us at 320-336-9139 or we would love to hear from you.....

Again, eternal life is promised if we believe God’s truth which also lets us know we must be born again of the water and the Spirit (John 3:3,5,7). “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38)

For we walk by Faith, and not by Sight (2 Corinthians 5:7)

God Bless you

Minister Ted and Minister Jacqueline Fox

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